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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Gonzalez News Conference

Charlotte, NC (TLS). U.S. Attorney-General Alberto Gonzalez gave a news conference Tuesday afternoon to answer charges by Democrats that the recent firing of a handful of U.S. Attorneys was politically motivated.

Leading the charge for the Democrats is 'Little Chucky' Schumer, who claims that Gonzalez fired the attorneys because they did not investigate charges of Democrat corruption in Congress.

It seems obvious that Little Chucky is treading on thin ice with these charges, given the present ethically-challenged Democrat leadership in the U.S. Congress. At least a dozen top Democrats are under a cloud of suspicion due to charges of corruption and the breaking of federal law. Some of these very Democrats chair major committees in Congress, such as John Conyers, Patrick Leahy, and even Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.

The fact that the crimes and misdemeanors of these and other Democrats in Congress were never adequately investigated by the Department of Justice, then yes, these U.S. Attorneys were not performing adequately and needed to be fired. In this regard, Gonzalez is 100% correct. Perhaps their replacements will get about the business of investigating the blatant disregard for the law, particularly on the part of those like Conyers, who broke federal campaign laws.

And this is precisely why Democrats are upset with the firings.

The real source of scandal within the U.S. Department of Justice surrounds U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, who interestingly was not fired. This is in spite of his vendetta against American law enforcement officials who wish to uphold the U.S. Code in apprehending law-breakers who enter the country illegally. Sutton's modus operandi toward law enforcement at the southern border is that if an officer does his job conscientiously in upholding federal law concerning illegal aliens, he/she can expect to be punished by Sutton by being hauled to court, tried, and found guilty, and then tossed into prison to serve lengthy sentences.

Two border patrol agents and at least four other lawmen in Texas have suffered under the oppressive, heavy hand of a U.S. Attorney who has turned his head to clear federal law in the U.S. Code concerning illegal aliens.

Yet in the Gonzalez massacre of U.S. Attorneys, Sutton was spared.

Remember, Sutton is a Bush crony in Texas. Not only that, but Bush has a tarnished track record when it comes to immigration. He has privately stated that America is not a place but a concept. It is only one small baby-step from there to embracing open borders. Sutton has certainly given the citizens of America and the government of Mexico the impression that open borders are already a reality, in spite of federal law to the contrary.

To be fair, Mr. Bush should have ordered Gonzalez to fire ALL U.S. Attorneys just as Bill Clinton did during the first days of his second term in office. But that is another story in and of itself.

On Tuesday of this week, Bush was in Mexico promising to the Mexican President that he would 'work very hard toward immigration reform legislation.'

That must have been music to the ears of the Mexican government and the thousands of law-breakers who wish to rape and plunder this nation without any risk of prosecution.

Ted Kennedy and John McCain have already sponsored legislation in the Senate that would, in effect, grant amnesty to illegal aliens, just like that, with one swipe of the pen. Mr. Bush's proposals are as close as one can get to an amnesty program without going quite as far as the Kennedy-McCain plan.

If the Democrats were truly smart, they would recognize that there IS a scandal of gargantuan proportions involving Sutton, the U.S. Justice Department, the Department of Homeland Security, Alberto Gonzalez, and the President himself. The only problem is that Democrats are co-conspirators in this particular scandal of subverting federal law and allowing the invasion of illegal aliens into this country unhindered. This is the reason you will not hear one peep out of Little Chucky Schumer about it.

Little Chucky and rest of his cohorts are scared to death that the new attorneys Gonzalez will hire will target the corrupt law-breakers who Chair committees in the new Democrat majority in Congress!

As for the Sutton-Homeland Security-Justice Department scandal, Gonzalez continues to pretend it does not exist, treating it as the white elephant sitting on the dining room table that everyone knows is there but no one is willing to acknowledge. The problem is that with the denial, the flesh-eating bacteria that this scandal poses only continues its ooze toward infecting the entirety of the Bush administration.

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