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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

The Tipping Point May Be Closer Than You Think

All it would take for America to lose its hard-fought liberties as embodied in the Bill of Rights as applied to ALL citizens is two terms of Barack Obama along with a Democrat majority in Congress.

In less than 8 years the U.S. would become like Canada, Great Britain, and other so-called 'free countries' in the West that have disarmed their citizens and thrown people in jail for speaking their minds...unless their speech is approved by the 'pc speech and thought police.'

Canada even has the Nazi-like silencing of free speech down to an art through so-called 'human rights tribunals' that really have nothing to do with protecting human rights but persecuting and prosecuting citizens who speak an unpopular message that 'offends' certain minority sectors of society.

This is the ugly, hidden truth of modern-day liberalism. In the name of supposedly 'being open and accepting of all' liberals would dismantle the rights of citizens to say anything at all that anyone, anywhere would find offensive--that is, if the offended parties happen to be Muslim, gay, Leftist, or environmentalist extremist.

But the rest of us can simply go to hell.

Hence, Nancy Pelosi wants to bring back 'the fairness doctrine' so that she can be unfair to conservatives in the name of fairness.

With a majority in both houses of Congress, and with Barack Obama in the White House, you can rest assured that the Democrats will not stop until Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and others are forced off the air. The politically correct movement will have a field day with such lunacy as equating those who believe the global warming theory is faulty science with 'Holocaust deniers.'

And don't forget the gun issue. No matter what the Supreme Court decided on Heller, two terms of Obama with a Democratic Congress will not only change the makeup of the Court but insure that gun bans are brought back full force.

My friends, this is why we may be nearing 'the tipping point.' Those who believe in the Bill of Rights for each individual citizen must get ready. If the potential scenario I have portrayed becomes reality, then it will be time to invoke Jefferson's reset button.

It's later than you think.

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