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Sunday, December 30, 2007

Notes From Here and There

In just three days the Iowa Caucuses will kick off the 2008 Presidential campaigns in earnest. Polls have been all over the board in both Parties. In fact, voter preferences have been so fluid that we think it is fairly impossible to predict who will win on either side.

Although he is in 3rd place, Fred Thompson has a chance to pull an upset. He is within striking distance of front runner Mike Huckabee, and the money Thompson raised during his two-day blogburst blitz last week will mean he can inundate the state with a barrage of TV and radio ads in the last three days of campaigning.

This could make a huge difference.

On the Democratic side some observers indicate that Barack Obama has begun to lose some of his luster, despite Oprah Winfrey's 'Barack and Oprah Road Show.' Nonetheless, there is also widespread discontent with Hillary. Does this mean that John Edwards is the beneficiary?

This is hard to say. We do not see Edwards winning any primaries, but we have been proved wrong before.

Pakistani officials now claim that popular opposition leader Benazir Bhutto was not killed by bullets but by a severe bump to the head. Apparently the shots that rang out missed the charismatic Bhutto but rattled the vehicle in which she was traveling. When she attempted to duck back inside the vehicle she sustained blunt-force trauma to the head, resulting in death.

Nonetheless, Pakistani officials also claim they know who was behind the assassination.

A pro-Taliban leader with connections to Al Qaeda, who resides in the lawless tribal section of Pakistan where terrorists have found safe haven, was quoted from a document obtained by the Interior Ministry as congratulating the assassins for a 'job well-done.'

Baitullah Mehsud is suspected for perpetrating the attacks and is implicated in a series of other terrorist attacks within Pakistan.

In addition, there are widespread reports of violence and unrest throughout Pakistan in the wake of the funeral of Bhutto.

The Baltimore Chronicle suggested this week on its op-ed page that a global warming catastrophe could rid the world of conservatives. As areas in the Southeast, the Deep South, the Southwest, and the Great Plains States are devastated by rising temperatures, residents will be forced out, supposedly to take haven in the cooler areas of the northeast and Great Lakes region, which somehow will be spared the doom.

It is then, as the writer suggests, that these conservatives should be forced to endure sub-citizen status and not allowed to participate in the political process, 'due to their hate-filled and single-minded desire to do nothing about global warming.'

The writer hails this as a wonderful thing.

But apparently neither the writer nor the Chronicle have been reading the template of their own movement. According to the script followed by the Algore people and the more militant global warming proponents, the end result of global warming will not be unendurable heat but a massive ice age caused by gigantic, hurricane-like storms that will engulf the entire planet, which will catapult the Earth into a devastating ice age.

These storms, which will be fueled by the warmer air, will have the net result of ridding the Earth of the warmer air, plunging temperatures into danger zones like the planet has never seen since the last Ice Age. Thus, those who survive will be forced South.

Just think, the pompous-assed northeasterners and Great Lakes elitists will be forced into territory where Bubbas love their guns and dislike Yankee liberals. I don't think I would be mouthing off about how you plan to punish Bubba if he is forced up into your area. He just may have a few surprises of his own waiting for you when you get here to thaw out of the deep freeze.


Anonymous said...

To say nothing of the fact that if forced to migrate Bubba isn't going to leave the shootin iron at home!

Welshman said...

You got THAT right, my friend! If we're forced to migrate north, we're packing more heat than a Coleman stove.