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Sunday, December 30, 2007


While the Interior Ministry of Pakistan continues to claim that Benazir Bhutto did not die from bullets but from a blunt force trauma to the head, a new 'McGruder-type' home video from the crime scene has emerged that clearly shows plenty of evidence that Bhutto sustained gun-shots to the back of her head and neck.

The Interior Ministry claims she was not struck by bullets but that when the vehicle was rocked by a suicide bomb blast, she ducked inside the vehicle and hit her head in the process.

The tape shows no such thing.

In addition, the attending emergency physician at the hospital where Bhutto was taken stated in his official report that the charismatic opposition leader had died from gunshot wounds to her head and neck.

The hospital--not the physician--later changed the official report.

Of course, none of this is shocking to those familiar with the Pakistani government, which is by all accounts one of the most corrupt on earth. The government would have a vested interest in being able to say that terrorist bullets did not kill Benazir Bhutto.

The rest of the world, however, knows the truth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the whole world knows Mushi did it.