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Monday, December 31, 2007

Media's Smear Campaign Against Fred Thompson

The distinguished ladies and gentlemen of the mainstream media have either deliberately misled the public or else they are lacking in the mental capacity to do their jobs. The case of GOP Presidential candidate Fred Thompson is a perfect case in point.

When Mr. Thompson first entered the race, the buzz around the mainstream media was the he lacked 'the fire in the belly' to be President, referring to the candidate's laid-back personality and style.

Then, they whined that he did not conduct his campaign like everyone else. They never knew what he would do or say next, or when he would walk off the stage ahead of schedule, or refuse to take questions, or a gazillion other major transgressions the mainstream media view as unforgivable due to their insatiable need to control candidates.

And now comes their latest foray into outright lies and half-truths, misrepresenting the candidate so blatantly that the entire lot should be cast onto the ash-heap of yellow journalism.

Campaigning in Iowa, Mr. Thompson answered some questions about this 'fire in the belly' business. He stated that he did not have an overwhelming desire to campaign or to be President. That kind of barefaced ambition, said Thompson, is reserved for those who have made it their lifelong goal of attaining the Oval Office from which they can fulfill a pathological ego need or to try to change America into a Socialist state.

As for Fred, his priorities are in the right order. His commitment is to his family and his principles. Being President is not a desire that arises out of selfish ambition. Rather, his quest for that Office comes from the need for a straight-up, plain-talking, no-nonsense leader.

In short, Mr. Thompson seeks the Presidency because he sees a great need and he wants to serve his country, IF the people want him.

Our nation's greatest Presidents have always had this attitude toward the highest office in the land. George Washington had to be drafted by his friends and fellow countrymen before he would agree to serve. Dwight D. Eisenhower never aspired to be President. He was courted by both Parties to run. And Ronald Reagan ran only because he sensed a compelling need to save the Republic from shysters who had brought to the nation to the brink of ruin.

But when Reagan's time was up, one sensed that he could not wait to be 'outta there' and get back to his ranch in California.

Yet the Press has always loved career politicians who have had designs on the White House for long periods of time. These persons are usually self-indulgent, arrogant, snobbish, and behave with a sense of entitlement, with their loyal subjects, usually the mainstream media, following in their entourage.

Not only that, but the Constitution to these self-serving pompous gold-bricks is a mere inconvenience to their underhanded schemes.

They do the country absolutely no good whatsoever.

And thus, along comes a candidate such as Mr. Thompson, who brings such a breath of fresh air into the rank stench of politics-as-usual and those who promote it--the Press. This they cannot handle.

It is thus much easier to misrepresent the candidate's views or either they fail to understand the mindset and thus get it all wrong.

Today the news is all over the papers, the Internet, the TV, and radio that Thompson has stated he does not want to be President. These people read the very same news clip I read which quoted the full text of Thompson's remarks. The problem is I didn't read any of what they read into Thompson's remarks, primarily because what they read into his comments is simply not there.

The perfect cut-and-paste job the Press did on Thompson's remarks is incredibly unprofessional, biased, and downright stupid to those who can read the full text for themselves.

What reporters and writers are counting on, however, are the millions of zombie-like sheep who will read or listen to only the 5-second sound byte--'Thompson doesn't want to be President.'

You see, this is one of the ways the Press influences elections.

Thompson never said a word of what they are reporting when the full context is read and understood. In fact, the candidate has the perfect answer for those who question his commitment to seek the Office--he gave up ALL of his income to do this. To run for President without running afoul of laws that mandate equal time, he had to give up Law and Order, a syndicated newspaper column and radio stint with ABC, and several other income-producing jobs that carried his name.

A man who is willing to do all of that to run for President is certainly a serious candidate who is committed to serving his country if the people want him. Of course, all of this is totally lost on the Press.

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