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Monday, November 05, 2007

Ron Paul Radio Ad

I heard a Ron Paul radio ad yesterday...the first I've heard in this area. And, I must say that it was very well-done. The ad featured college students who spoke of the reasons why they support Ron Paul.

One said she liked him because he wants to get us out of Iraq. Another said it was the issue of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights that drew him to the Paul campaign. Still another stated that Paul seemed to be the only one talking seriously about liberty and keeping government small and accountable.

Whether or not one is in the Ron Paul camp at this point, one must admit that ads such as these hit the nail on the head. Dr. Paul appeals to a large segment of college students, which is precisely what we want if we wish to preserve liberty for posterity.

In addition, the values and concepts emphasized by the Paul campaign are catching on among the college set in many countries besides America. Many if not most of the protest movements against oppressive governments in the world are spawned and promoted by college students.

Even if many of us prefer another candidate at this point in the campaign, we can truly take heart in the fact that Ron Paul is apparently inspiring a surge of interest in the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and the principles of liberty among the leaders of tomorrow.

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