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Sunday, November 04, 2007

Nancy's Mongrels Blame Her for U.S. Success

This was not supposed to happen. Once the Democrats took control of Congress in November of 2006, we were supposed to be out of Iraq immediately. At least this was the game-plan of the Leftwingers who put Nancy and her mongrels in charge.

Not only did this fail to happen, but Nefarious Nancy and her gang of gratuitous grubs failed to pass a single bill limiting funding for the war.

In fact, the Democratic-controlled Congress has failed to pass a single major initiative that they supposedly had a broad 'mandate' to pass.

So dismal is public support for the nation's legislative branch that even Nancy herself stated last week that she disapproves of Congress.

The mongrels, however, are presently making it clear that part of the blame rests with Pelosi herself, and they are making their complaints known. It seems the mongrels are a-snarling, and their problem is that the surge in Iraq is working. Nancy was supposed to get us out of Iraq before the U.S. had a chance to turn things around.

This was the ultimate game-plan--take advantage of U.S. losses in Iraq, bring all the troops home, and then blame Bush and the GOP for whatever aftermath occurred.

Now that the U.S. clearly has the upper hand in Iraq and Al Qaeda is on the run, the mongrels in Congress are livid that Pelosi and the Democratic Congressional leadership did not move more forcefully to get the U.S. out of Iraq while America still had a good chance to lose.

In short, these defeatist and dastardly despots wanted America to lose. To them, for us to win is a bad thing.

I see a massive anti-incumbent move on the horizon during the 2008 election cycle, and it frankly will not matter whether the candidate is Democrat or Republican. But the Dems will take the worst hit simply because they are in power and under their watch the American people overwhelmingly lost faith in their the tune of 89% of the electorate.

Not only is Nancy taking the blame from her mongrels in Congress, but in her own state of California, more people express opposition to her leadership than those who express support, according to the latest poll.

If the liberals who populate California feel that way about her, then it is not difficult to determine how the rest of the country feels, especially in the heartland.

Pelosi is bad for America, and her mongrels are bad for America. We can only hope they will be shown the door next year.

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