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Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Washington, DC (TLS). The news concerning the health status of White House Press Chief Tony Snow has sent Leftwing bloggers on a hate-fest.

Snow is suffering from a recurrence of colon cancer, which has spread to his liver.

Upon receipt of this news the Left wasted no time in hitting the blogosphere to post some of the most hateful, cold, and barbaric messages one can imagine, all aimed at Snow. One writer hoped that cancer would finally rid the world of Snow, whom the writer referred to as a liar. Another stated that the recurrence of Snow's cancer indicates that God hates him.

Many of these messages appeared on the website of Leftwing nutcase Adrianna Huffington. Others were posted on various and sundry websites that are frequented by the Commie freedom-haters.

This behavior is not new on the part of the Left. A mere two weeks ago we witnessed the very same sewage oozing from the mouths and pens of Leftwing nutcases as they heard the news of Vice-President Dick Cheney's blood clot in the leg. A near-unanimous chorus of these neanderthals wished death for Cheney.

If there were ever any doubt at all concerning the mindset, the pathology, and the rampant extremism of the Left, these deplorable messages should remove any doubt. These people are dangerous and they let nothing stand in the way of their subversive attempt to ruin American society by ushering in their Commie-Nazi plan for government control of every aspect of life...not even health problems on the part of opponents.

To the contrary, the Left views these health problems as a window of opportunity to seize more ground. If one more patriot in the tradition of Jefferson is pushed out of the way by health problems or death, the Left views this as nothing more than a tiny gap through which it can seize more power.

This mindset is absolutely no different than the implementation of the mass extermination of political opponents by such stalwart role models as Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot. Without coming right out and proposing such a thing overtly, the Left can hardly contain its utter contempt for those who oppose their march toward an Orwellian society.

Thus, rather than outright calling for the extermination of people like Bush, Cheney, Snow, or ME, they had rather take to the streets to celebrate heart disease, cancer, and death for those who adhere to the values of the Founders of this nation.

Besides, the news of the demise of conservatives, or of their health problems, just gives the coke-snortin' pot-heads another excuse to party and get zonked.


Anonymous said...

Can you provide a link to support your argument? I searched for your claimed comments, and I found none. You make some very strong allegations, and I was surprised that you would fail to attribute your quotations. That certainly leads me, and no doubt other readers, to question your veracity.

FYI -- this is the link for comments to the AP story posted on Huffington's site.

Welshman said...

The fact that you 'found none' is no reflection on my veracity but upon your failure.
