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Sunday, March 04, 2012

Gun store owners: fears of Obama reelection driving skyrocketing gun sales

Gun stores owners across America report that gun sales are skyrocketing more than ever before. According to DeWayne Irwin of the popular Cheaper Than Dirt gun shop in Ft. Worth, Texas, skyrocketing sales are being driven by growing fears that Barack Obama will be reelected in November.
"Look at who the Republicans are trying to put against Obama," said Irwin. "It's the Keystone Cops and people are getting scared. People are terrified he's going to get reelected and then he won't care about getting votes next time. He'll pass whatever legislation he wants," Irwin stated in an interview with the Star Telegram.
According to politicos who closely watch the mood of the electorate, such fears apparently are not without good reason. The stock market, for the very first time since the campaign season began late last year, has now placed the odds on Obama being elected for a second term.

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