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Friday, September 25, 2009

Second Amendment News Roundup for 9/25/09

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Kurt Hofmann posts THE must-read of the day that ANY Patriot should make required reading. It's entitled, 'What Happens When the "Hate Group" is Government-Sponsored?'

David Codrea posts another response to the gun rights questionnaire from a candidate for the Senate.

Vanderboegh provides highly intriguing information on Pelosi's contention that violence may break forth in the nation. Read it all.

Western Rifle Shooters Association has a chilling video, filmed on a street right here in America, that is eerily reminiscent of....well, you look, listen, and tell ME!

Conservative Libertarian Outpost presents an important read on 'fire and fury in the Rocky Mountain Empire?'

Meeting on the Green points out the move by the Obamanoids to place America's children under the control of U.N. initiatives--a clear violation of parents' rights and our Constitution!

Free in Idaho notes that in midst of today's political mess not everybody 'gets it.' But some do...

Ha! Brigid has another good one concerning guns, knives, and 'meat tenderizing.'

Squeaks posted, 'Things I've Learned Over the Past Couple of Weeks.' And don't forget to check out her Examiner site...she is the Memphis Pet Examiner.

Way Up North provides the must-read quote-of-the-day. Don't let THIS one get by you!

Tam points to an important message to those concerned about bank failures. What do you do with your money in these uncertain times? I will comment that the author she links to is, in my opinion, overly optimistic. FDIC is in deep financial trouble. The question is how long will they be able to continue with what they do?

From Pax Parabellum: 'What Happens When This Fiasco Health Care Bill Passes?'

Alphecca takes a closer look at the scorecard of the 'Brady Bunch' to rob citizens of their gun rights.

21 Guns Salute posts some informative commentary on various gubernatorial candidates, particularly with regard to their stance on the 2nd Amendment.

Dustin's Gun Blog perfectly summarizes the probable problems Californians are going to face with ammunition.

Texas Fred gives us the scoop on the foiled terrorist bombing plot against Dallas and other major U.S. cities.

Days of our Trailers has the scoop on the Illinois targets that the terrorists had in their sites.

Wow! Say Uncle comments on what appears to be some FBI shenanigans. You'd best read it.

Ride Fast and Shoot Straight reports major news out of the 9th circuit court on a gun ban case.

From Robb Allen: 'Hey, Just Because I Started the Fight Doesn't Mean You Get to Hit Me.'

Sebastian says he thinks it's time to put his money where his mouth is with regard to gun rights organizations.

Today the Ol' Broad has a political cartoon that is quite serious. The message is stark and points to a sad truth. Take a look.


Bonnie said...

Thanks for the link!

Welshman said...

You're welcome Bonnie. Always a pleasure...