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Thursday, August 06, 2009

"Is White House Compiling an Enemies List?"

Rev. Kharma at Kharma Futures submits a guest post today on the Liberty Sphere. The frightening nature of this Administration just got even more frightening as Barack Obama calls for spying on and reporting citizens who oppose his government takeover of healthcare.

"Is the White House Compiling an Enemies List?"
by Rev. Kharma

Day after day, this administration seems to push things further and further. During the Bush years, we saw the adoption of the Patriot Act as a direct response to an attack on our country.

Many questioned, some quite loudly if the danger was sufficient to justify the curtailing of liberty which accompanied the new rules. While many objected, there was at least some rational purpose, an attempt to find and stop those who would attack us again.

The danger was, and is clear. In addition to the short term infringement of our freedom, the use and abuse of the Patriot Act powers by any future administration, with perhaps a less than pure motivation was always lurking.

Now we see that even more than just abusing existing statutes the Obama Administration is moving toward using ’snitches’ to gather information on those who ’spread misinformation on Obama’s health care plan’. Look here to see Byron York’s essay in the Washington Examiner. CBS says the following:

The White House in recent days has taken pro-active steps to combat the misinformation spreading about the president’s health care plans…

Senator John Cornyn of Texas has send a letter in which he puts it plainly and clearly:
“By requesting that citizens send “fishy” emails to the White House, it is inevitable that the names, email addresses, IP addresses, and private speech of U.S. citizens will be reported to the White House,” Cornyn wrote to Obama. “I can only imagine the level of justifiable outrage had your predecessor asked Americans to forward emails critical of his policies to the White House.”
The Dallas Morning News has more detail, including the entire letter from Senator Cornyn.

When all of the actions of this administration are put out for view, in the clear light of reason it is difficult to avoid reacting in fear. Recall his plan for Obama 2.0, to continue his own separate campaign organization. Recall the statements from his administration on the need for a separate ‘ civilian organization’ to equal the military. The press secretary calls those who are angry at their representatives at town hall meetings angry mobs.

This most recent request is just far too similar of tactics used by past administrations to collect information on ‘dissidents’ in National Socialist Germany, or Stalinist Russia, or Castroist Cuba. Use fear, use neighbors to rat out others, and you will rapidly silence opposition.

How long before this secret list is used by the Obama Justice department, or the IRS to target those who have opposed him.

We are in dangerous times folks. We all need to step up. If you are not afraid to have your name and e-mail added to the list, then why not try this. Send an e-mail to the following: ( I am following the lead I read here, it’s brilliant)
and ask that you be reported as opposed to Obama care. By the time I post this I’m willing to guess that I’m already on the list, but I’ll send a copy of this post just to be sure.

Don’t forget, send your polite, friendly and courteous message to Macon Phillips, the White House Director of New Media at this e-mail address

Keep the Faith
The Rev


GunRights4US said...

Being on the White House's list these days is a badge of honor!

Anonymous said...

I, like you, will be disappointed if I'm not on the Great Communicator's list.

Newbius said...

I have sent mine in, proudly.



Nameless Cynic said...

Let me see if I got this straight. In 2005, when Cornyn was told about Bush's domestic wiretapping program and he said it didn't matter, that was nothing to worry about. But when Obama fights back against liars and smear merchants, and Cornyn makes up crap about "he's gathering ISP's!", that's cause for alarm?

So real spying is OK, as long as it's done by a Republican. But imaginary spying is something to worry about, if it's imagined that it will be done by a Democrat?

Do you also believe that chick on Glenn Beck who thinks that the Cash for Clunkers website gives the government total access to your computer?

How many "forward this to twelve friends" spams do you fall for?

Welshman said...

Cynic, must to your chagrin, I'm sure, the White House took the notice down about the fact that the Cash for Clunkers program would give them total access to your computer. I saw it myself. Obviously you didn't, which means that you are out of touch.

Second, most of us didn't like it when Bush wiretapped, either, but to be fair, the difference is that then the objective was to catch terrorists and now the objective is to catch those who dare disagree with your 'Dear Leader.'

Big difference!

Nameless Cynic said...

Welshman: no "chagrin" - there was a notice similar to that on a website for auto dealers who engaged in the C4C program. It was determined that it was not appropriate wording, and removed.

So, in the larger sense, even if there was some magic White House malware, it would have been available only to the dealers. And since there isn't, you start to sound like a man wearing a tinfoil hat and chanting about mind control.

As to your second point, you could make that claim if it was directed only at non-Americans. But the government was monitoring every call going through every router in America, except for one cell phone company who refused to comply. That was the type of spying you're talking about. And it didn't catch anything except the attention of the press.

Unlike this thin facade of a conspiracy you're trying to cook up.

Apply a little logic to it. Why would the White House gather up information from people sending them suspicious emails? If you're going to mount a secret data-mining operation, you don't plant yourself openly in the middle of it. Wouldn't it be easier to just plant a virus on Google? Or Facebook? Or even this site right here?

Welshman said...

So in other words, you admit the notice on the website was there yet pretended you knew nothing about it in your first post.

The car dealers have to enter info on the persons purchasing cars under the program. Thus, your entire theory is debunked from top to bottom.

And this isn't about Bush but about your sorry-arsed 'Dear Leader.'

End of story.