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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Second Amendment News Roundup for 5/21/09

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Sipsy Street Irregulars provides interesting commentary on the flap concerning the NRA Blog Bash and the distinct possibility it won't be held next year.

Say Uncle posts his take on the controversy.

Free in Idaho offers THIS interesting assessment of the NRA, GOA, and JPFO.

Brigid has 'the cowboy quote of the day,' and it's a good one!

Sebastian reports the explosive news that the government is moving forward in its attempt to regulate blogs. It is time to mount one hell of a protest!

Western Rifle Shooters Association post an excellent read on the current socialist revolution in America as compared/contrasted with the FDR revolution in the 1930s.

Days of our Trailers has a commercial spot that you absolutely must see!

The Rustmeister points to a numbskull who bashed the South and gunowners. 'Them thar's fightin' words.'

David Codrea posts 'a little bit of bathroom gun humor' over at Gun Rights Examiner.

Walls of the City opines on the practice of politicians of attaching amendments to bills that have nothing to do with the original bill.

Notoriously Conservative reveals allegations that Obama has been forced to rebuke VP Joe Biden in private concerning Biden's motor-mouth.

Kurt Hofmann examines Brady campaign rhetoric as it has evolved over the past 6 months.

Mindful Musings assesses the present state of affairs in the country. Don't miss this one!

Way Up North issues an interesting dictionary of terms regarding common tools and their uses. Yes, indeed.

KC3, the organization that brought concealed carry to the state of Kentucky, files a report on their annual meeting. I thought you might like to see what this fine group is doing.

JR reports a timely update on the state of the campus concealed carry bill in Texas.

Conservative Libertarian Outpost notes that policies implemented by the Bush administration are responsible for the latest foiled terrorist attack on NYC, but that BHO will probably get the credit for it.

Bloviating Zeppelin correctly observes that the new credit card bill passed by Congress and Obama actually screws conscientious customers who pay their bills.

Mike McCarville reports that former Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating may run for the U.S. Senate if Tom Coburn decides not to see re-election. The loss of Coburn would be a blow to gun rights, the Bill of Rights, and the U.S. Constitution.

Robb Allen gives us an update on Ahab's current competition. Note the comments.

Ride Fast and Shoot Straight has a must-read on gun control. Take a look.

Pax Parabellum reports that a Congressional panel will probe the DHS smear of gun owners and veterans in their 'right wing extremists are home-grown terrorists' report. Good!

Roberta X says that the ridiculous 'need argument' against assault rifles has popped up again in, not surprisingly, the NYT.

Texas Fred notes that Obama has gotten himself into a political box over his desire to close Gitmo. I'm interested in seeing how he slithers his way out of this one.

Around-O-Town has good reading today on Obama-speak, which he refers to as 'Obamanese.'

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