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Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Bad Case of HTBO

I am hereby coining a new disorder--'HTBO,' which stands for 'high-tech burn-out.'

I have a bad case of it today along with it's severe symptom of sore eyes.

DIGG has been pulling some shenanigans that has all of us conservative, libertarian, and gun writers up in arms. We have thus had to seek out other means of promoting our material and staying in touch with one another.

Thus, I am back to using Twitter (UGH!) and several other 'social networking' avenues.

I have been working on this mess all day long. I really don't have time to fool with this technological B.S., but I am forced to do so since I don't have a secretary.

Needless to say, I need your help in promoting the Columbia Conservative Examiner articles now more than ever. The pay is based upon how many people read it.

So, that's that about that. I needed to tell you what is going on so you will know.

Update on the eyes: they are 'holding their own' with anti-inflammatory meds but still get worn easily...not a good thing for a writer. I am becoming all too familiar with the meaning of the term 'starving artist.' LOL. And a blind one at that!

OK, I don't want to get too engrossed in self-pity here or to whine. I'm just laying it out there like it is. I am going to sign off for a while. My eyes, and my body, need the rest.

Thanks to all of you who faithfully read these pages and who often express your support in numerous ways. You are the 'salt of the earth.'


drjim said...

I read your column daily, Anthony. And I've read about the dirty tricks on DIGG at other places.
Take care, hope you get over your case of "HTBO". I've suffered it, too.

Welshman said...

Thank-you, my friend...

Anonymous said...

Have you been checked to "see" if you need new glasses? I've been through something similar when I started needing glasses (at the ripe young age of 30).

B Woodman

Kate said...

Well, I can't figure your twitter stuff, so.... and I'll follow ya back. :)

I've found that Digg is nothing more than a promotion of sites like Huffington. Some of the best stuff gets buried by, what seems to be a concerted effort of the left. I don't understand all the stuff they're pulling, but that won't stop me from reading your posts. :)

Patrick Sperry said...

I try to visit it everyday Anthony, as well as link something there. Not sure if, or how much it helps.

Blogrolling appears to be back up, you might try using them as well. Let me know if you need a link.

PolyKahr said...

I also read every Coumbia Conservative Examiner I can. Digg however...If they wanted to invent a random reaction to certain stories or authors, and not to others, then they would invent Digg.

Is there another way I can indicate that I have read your articles? Truth be told, I am not what you would call a "power user."

As for your eyes-take good care of them.

Best Wishes,

Welshman said...

Thanks Kate, Patrick, Polly. You guys are the best. I pray and try to keep a positive attitude about it.