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Wednesday, April 08, 2009

UPDATE! Leftwing Plans Counter-Protests

It seems the liberals will attempt to divert attention away from the Tea Party taxpayer protests around the country on April 15 by staging their own counter-protests on April 11.

But the big news is that leftwing activists plan to infiltrate the Tea Party protests incognito in order to stage some sort of disruption.

Read all about it at Columbia Conservative Examiner.

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10ksnooker said...

The leftards cheer -- What do we want, bankruptcy

TexasFred said...

Here in Texas we have a way of dealing with folks like that, just like the American crew that just re-took their ship and took a Somali pirate prisoner...

Where there's a will, there's a way, and in the famous words of John Paul Jones, "I have not yet begun to fight!"