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Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Second Amendment News Roundup for 4/8/09

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Right is Right presents a collection of great Obama bumper stickers that she calls 'Barry's Bumper Stickers.' Take a look.

MaddMedic informs us of some great stuff going on with the taxpayer's league in Minnesota. This is what can happen when citizens band together.

Bloviating Zeppelin comments on the fact that, despite his supposed popularity in Europe, Obama couldn't get any more cooperation than Bush from our 'allies.'

Texas Fred notes that Texas knows how to throw a Tea Party! Look at who will be there.

Insight on Freedom says that Iran and terrorist groups in the Mid East have much to fear from Israel. Good!

The Rustmeister announces the big Memphis Tea Party on April 15. Sounds like a good one!

Conservative Libertarian Outpost reports excellent news that despite negative reporting in the media and the hysteria of Obama and company, public support for gun control is at an all-time low in the latest poll.

Ride Fast and Shoot Straight provides a graphic that maps the plummeting support for banning handguns in America. Take a look!

John Jacob H comments on a recent NPR report on the guns and ammo shortages.

2A Musing has a MUST-read on the charge that Obama is leading the nation toward socialism.

Mike McCarville has another MUST-read on a serviceman who Mike believes was wrongfully convicted of murder.

Gun Nuts posts a recap and audio of last night's edition of Gun Nuts Radio, during which Breda made her debut as the sole host.

Occupied Nashville blogs on a gun you've probably never heard of. He has a pic to boot.

Say Uncle has some more examples of media ignorance concerning guns.

Robb Allen takes a writer to task for his 100%, pure, unadulterated, aromatic pants-shittin' hysterics over guns.

Sebastian provides an interesting read on 'signaling and carrying' which touches on open vs. concealed carry...and which, by the way, has sparked numerous responses.

Codrea's Gun Rights Examiner informs us the latest attempt by San Fran Nan to attack our firearms rights.

The War on Guns points to Jessie Jackson's latest anti-gun blather.

Hofmann's St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner reports that gang members from Mexico have infiltrated the U.S. military and are stealing weapons!

Dr. John Lott gives us an update on the abuse of power by Obama and company by firing people in the private sector--a power the Constitution does NOT grant to a President or anyone else in government!

Walls of the City follows that up with 'Control for the Sake of Control.' Read it all.

Days of our Trailers shows us an ominous consequence of Obama's stimulus plan.

Mindful Musings provides the quote of the day. Don't miss this!


Patrick Sperry said...

Sorry, but I really do like the Bumper stickers!

I'll come back tomorrow... I just can't stop laughing!

Welshman said...