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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Should There Be a Law Forcing Physical Exercise?

From Dr. Walter Williams:

During winter months, I work out 10 minutes on the treadmill and lift weights at seven stations four mornings a week. Over the years, during the spring through fall months, I racked up about 2,000 miles on my road bike. This level of exercise helps account for why, at 73 years, I'm in such good health and physical fitness. So my question to you is whether you think regular exercise is a good idea. I think the answer is definitely yes, if nothing other than its beneficial effects on health care costs. Since exercise is a good idea, would you support a congressional mandate that all Americans engage in regular exercise?

The notion that government should require citizens to do whatever is 'for their own good' in the name of 'promoting the general welfare' is a common argument among statists.

But is this kind of government intrusion really what we want? Is this what the Founders envisioned?

Be sure to read the entirety of Williams' excellent essay here.


drjim said...

I'm sure the Founders didn't have to worry about it, as way back then the "average" person had to work their tail off to get by!

Anonymous said...


Picture it.

"Hey, as part of your Exercise Requirement, we need you to dig some body-sized trenches. And I don't care if your back hurts, granny!"

This has an Arbeit Macht Frei ring to it. Also, it is forced behavior and we have enough of that.

Ken said...

Since exercise is a good idea, would you support a congressional mandate that all Americans engage in regular exercise?

No. Next question.