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Tuesday, March 03, 2009

'A Note to Mr. Steele': SHUT UP!

Michelle Malkin has 'A Note to Michael Steele' concerning his untimely and poorly-chosen words in criticism of Rush Limbaugh and the GOP.

He even agreed with a commentator that the GOP Convention 'looked like Nazi Germany.'

Michael Steele is turning out to be one of the worst mistakes the GOP ever made in choosing an RNC head.

So, here is MY note to Mr. Steele: 'I don't know what you are, but you AIN'T a conservative! And we don't need you out running your mouth like the other RINOS who have run the Party into the ground. So, SHUT UP!'

The GOP is in disarray, but conservatives aren't. We are as united and determined as rid leadership posts of vermin who stand against every single principle that made the GOP into a viable alternative to liberalism. And if the GOP is insistent on continuing on this course, we most definitely will bolt and bid you good-bye.

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