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Saturday, February 28, 2009

From Across America, the Tea Party Roundup

Reports are coming in concerning the great American Tea Party held in cities and towns across America on Friday.

From what we can tell, the events were successful. Some were poorly attended, but for the most part, the response was beyond expectations, given the short notice and the inclement weather experienced by much of the nation.

Columbia Conservative Examiner has the roundup from Greenville, SC, to Washington, to Chicago, to St. Louis, to Atlanta, and many places in between. Give it a read, and pass it along! Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for covering the Tea Party and helping to highlight this event.

Do you have contacts within the organizing circles? Is it possible to have these events become monthly, weekend, protests of the misguided political-economic direction the country is taking?

Let me be clear however, while Obama and team may be in charge, the Bush Regime policies did nothing to prevent the excesses of Wall St greed, corruption and mal-adjustments in the macro-economy. Hank Paulson and the team at Goldman Sachs helped create the problem, and then he is "promoted" to Treasury Secretary and tasked with cleaning it up? His policy initiatives only furthered the transfer to wealth from the People to the Banksters, via the Bailout Policies.

Welshman said...

Yes, I agree. The 2 big complaints I have about Mr. Bush is that he allowed a massive increase in the size of government (heresy within conservative circles), and he gave up his free market principles for bailouts (another heresy).

Obama, however, is even worse.

Regarding continuing with the Tea Parties, we don't want to engage in overkill, but the movement is still growing and is far from over. Look for more events in the future. Monthly? I doubt it.