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Monday, January 12, 2009

Muslims Gathering Outside of Catholic Churches

Around the world at this hour we are seeing Muslims emboldened as never before in their extremism. But a most curious example of this is the Muslim practice, implemented during the past week, of gathering outside Catholic churches for prayer and worship.

The Vatican has expressed deep concern over this phenomenon.

And they have every reason to be concerned.

What if I, for example, took with me hundreds of Christians to gather outside Islamic centers for gospel singing, evangelistic preaching, and prayers to save the lost Muslim souls?

What do you think Muslim groups and the Leftwing would have to say about such a display?

I would be tarred and feathered, vilified, and condemned for displaying an attitude of disrespect and bullying toward Muslims.

Yet certain members of the Muslim religion around the world feel emboldened of late to make Catholic churches their gathering place.

Here are some pictures and commentary on the phenomenon.

Regardless of whether or not the majority of the persons involved in these acts of degradation to Christians are involved in supporting terrorism, it does not speak well for one's religion to be engaging in practices such as this.


Rustmeister said...

Haven't seen it here in TN, but I carry to Mass every time I go, so does my lady.

As long as they're peaceful, so are we.

Welshman said...

I haven't seen any reports of this happening in the U.S.--yet. It's mainly going on in Europe, but it could well rear its ugly head here eventually...