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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Too Late--LA Times Notices Obama Weaknesses

After the election, of course, the Los Angeles Times finally decides that it notices glaring weaknesses in Barack Obama's credentials for the Presidency.

This News Busters article will tell you all about it.

The LA Times and the mainstream media as a whole had ample opportunity, indeed a responsibility, to inform the public of Obama's very weak resume for the job BEFORE the election.

This they deliberately failed to do and instead took on a cheerleading role for the most liberal member of the Senate and the most ill-prepared Presidential candidate in decades.

But now, after the election, one by one the mainstream media outlets are informing the public of Obama's weaknesses. Why so late? And why now?


AlanDP said...

To sell papers. Their primary goal is to survive, after all, and to do that they must sell papers.

Anonymous said...

Because it doesn't matter now. They think they have it all sewn up.

They always think that — until the bullets fly.

Welshman said...

Both of you have valid points. They have it sewn up, that got their man elected, and now they must move to the Right in order to avoid going under, since most newspapers are on the brink of failing.

me said...

it'll be fun to watch them deal with Obama's "gorebal warming" laws at least.