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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

ALERT! Obama's Hit-Man Talks New Security Force

An audio has surfaced which has Obama's new Chief of Staff/hit-man Rahm Emanuel discussing the plan to implement a new national civilian security force that will answer directly to Barack Obama.

The Chairman never provided specific details of the plan on the campaign trail, and the mainstream media never bothered to ask him about it.

But Obama did state that the new security force would be equal to the U.S. military in power and funding.

Rahm Emanuel, you will remember, is the Chicago politician who is famous for slamming his ideological opponents with a vengeance. He once even sent a dead fish to a pollster who made him angry over poll numbers.

It is very clear from the audio that Rahm is talking about much more than citizens providing innocuous 'civil service' in government offices. This is mandatory, and it involves military-like training.

Watch/listen to the audio/video and read the commentary provided here, at Gateway Pundit.

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