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Friday, August 01, 2008


It was an unplanned, spontaneous move to demand that Democrats in Congress open up offshore oil drilling, which they have blocked for decades.

House Republicans refused to go home after Fuhrer Pelosi declared the House in recess for a 5-week vacation without taking any action on gas prices and drilling here at home for our nation's energy needs.

Before long, citizens in the D.C. area heard about the GOP protest and began driving in to join those who spoke from the House floor without any lights or microphones.

Tourists cheered as GOP statesmen, one by one, decried the inaction of the Democrats.

But then, Fuhrer Pelosi decided she'd had enough. She ordered Capitol guards to shut down the building late this afternoon. Even the air conditioning was to be shut off.

The Fuhrer can't have an uprising of the people and their representatives that could potentially put her and her Party in a negative light, although they garner only a 9% approval rating.

House Republicans insist they will stay at the Capitol during entire weekend if necessary, attempting to force the Democratic leadership to reconvene to consider what Americans by overwhelming majorities demand--to DRILL HERE, DRILL NOW.

Finally, the House GOP grew some brass ones, which they have been lacking for the past few years. Good for them!

Maybe now we can realistically hope for a coup during which we dispose of every single Democrat up for re-election in the Fall. Yes, ALL of them. If they can't stand up to Pelosi, then they don't deserve to be there at all.

Read Michelle Malkin's updates on the situation HERE.

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