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Saturday, August 02, 2008

All in One Day--Obama Flip Flops on Oil

He started out the day on Friday reiterating his strong opposition to offshore oil drilling. By late afternoon he had changed his position, stated that he 'could support limited offshore drilling' provided it is tied to more taxes for oil companies.

Barack Obama, as it turns out, actually knows how to read the polls. Would that Nancy Pelosi could do the same.

But Barack's limited support for offshore drilling comes with a price.

A so-called 'Gang of 10' in the U.S. Senate is working on a compromise deal that will break the gridlock on drilling. The bill would allow the Dems to go after speculators who they blame for 'jacking up' oil prices on the open market. And it would allow the GOP to drill in offshore areas Congress has blocked for years.

This is the bill Obama says he can support.

But Barack and the Democrats want higher taxes on the oil companies, which they will in turn pass along to us, the consumers. Then, they want to take the money and use it to fund government research for alternative energy and 'green cars' that use 'renewable biofuels.'

Big mistake. We have already seen what the 'biofuels' craze has done to food prices.

The compromise bill is a mistake. The GOP has an issue that is resonating with the American public, and to 'compromise' with obstructionists is tantamount to making a deal with the devil. I believe the GOP can hold fast to no compromise because the American public is behind 'drill here, drill now.'

We don't need the support of Socialists who want more tax dollars and who want the government, not the private sector, to develop alternative energy.

Sure, McCain also once opposed offshore oil drilling. But he didn't state two different positions on the subject in the course of one day.

Perhaps the GOP-led floor revolt against Nancy Pelosi's obstructionism on the oil issue helped 'Barry O' change his mind. It's hard to swim against a swelling current that is flowing in the GOP's favor throughout the country, isn't it, Barry?

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