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Friday, August 01, 2008

Facts About Access to Our Own Oil

Nancy Pelosi and her obstructionist co-conspirators in the Democratic Party have been parroting a 'talking points' strategy of late, blaming the oil companies for not drilling on offshore land they have already leased.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist, however, to figure out that prudence dictates drilling where we know there is oil, not just anywhere.

The oil companies want the land that has been blocked from access by Congress under the influence of the environmentalist wackos. It is here that we can find some of the richest crude oil fields in the world.

But the enviro-wackos and the Democrats they have bought off do not want us to have that oil, for this would foil their plan to force Americans off of oil entirely...even before the economy and society as a whole can sustain it.

This may be an excellent long-term goal. But for the short-term it is asinine.

And Americans by overwhelming numbers know it. This is why most of us support immediate offshore drilling, including drilling in areas presently forbidden by Congress.

Jane Van Ryan of the American Petroleum Institute has graciously provided The Liberty Sphere with information concerning access to our own oil.

The following is a fact-sheet published by the Institute that explains the problem of access and how to address it.

Click HERE to go to the website called 'Energy Tomorrow,' and read all about it.

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