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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

He's Still Whining

Obama is still whining. The mainstream media is still whining. Even Larry King is whining.

It was political satire in the richest American tradition--a centuries-old practice in this country. But Barack Obama stated on Larry King last night that it was 'unAmerican.'

Thus, The New Yorker cover continues to make headlines.

The thing that is so funny is that although the cover was meant to lampoon a few on the extreme right who have charged that Barack is a Muslim and Michelle is a terrorist, Obama stated on King's show that 'it is a slap in the face to moderate American Muslims.'

Pray tell, how?

Obviously, the man knows nothing about political satire, although the Left has called him 'one of the smartest men in the world.'

And as for Larry King, he just sits there and allows Barack to show his vast ignorance without challenge.

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