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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Gathering Storm--Winds of War in Europe

Winston Churchill once described a 'softening up' process that a nation's enemies undertake in the years prior to a military attack. Churchill was convinced this was what happened to Europe and Great Britain in the years leading up to World War II, as Hitler and others led the West to believe that appeasement was the 'path to peace.'

Under such a subterfuge, nations and citizens are lulled into a false sense of security.

It is then that the enemy strikes with a vengeance, such as Hitler did in invading Poland just after signing a treaty with Britain's Prime Minister Chamberlain promising there would be no more aggression.

Maverick News Media points to a new, 3-part series at The Gathering Storm entitled, 'Winds of War--Thinking About the Unthinkable,' which examines the inevitability of another world war which will be precipitated by the Islamofascist domination of Europe.

The writer contends that the West, particularly Europe, has reached the state of induced slumber, or 'softened up' as Churchill would say, where the enemy succeeds in lulling its prey into a false sense of security with promises of 'peaceful coexistence.'

And all the while the extremist factions within Islam continue to bombard Europe with massive immigration, along with demands for accommodation as no other religious group is given. Inch by inch, step by step, the Islamic extremists undertake their calculated approach toward total dominance.

When the West finally wakes up from its delusional state and realizes what has happened, so intense will be the outrage that war is inevitable, according to the author.

The first article in this 3-part series is entitled, 'Civil War in Europe.' It is a must-read.

But while Europe is 'ground zero' in this new war, it is a big mistake to assume the U.S. is immune from its consequences. The forces in Europe that strive toward the domination of extremist Islam have targeted the U.S. as well.

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