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Friday, April 25, 2008

Second Amendment News Roundup for 4/25/08

Focusing on guns and politics, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Mike McCarville has a noted quote on Hillary Clinton's political purgatory:

All American Blogger has a piece from a writer who believes conservatives should support Hillary Clinton over John McCain. Be sure to read it all for the commentary on that idea:

Born Again Redneck has the scoop on yet another of Barack Obama's terrorist buddies:

Cap'n Bob and the Damsel blog on why the Electoral College is so important to the nation's electoral process:

Freedom Sight reports that now that the environmentalist wackos have succeeded in getting their way with regard to 'ozone,' asthma sufferers are forced to use less effective and more expensive meds:

Say Uncle reports that with Obama's recent failures pandering to gun owners, he has now started coming out with his true feelings on the matter--more gun control:

Sebastian has some interesting thoughts about the antis:

Squeaky offers some insightful comments about the 3 choices--McCain, Hillary, and Obama:

Tam has an important message to the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, hate-monger extraordinaire and advisor to Barack Obama:

Concerning the Reverend Wright, John Lott reports that Fox News has the entirety of Wright's 'God Damn America' sermon and has compared it with what Wright CLAIMS he said, which is contrary to the record:

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