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Friday, April 25, 2008

And You Can Quote Me On That

For Barack Obama's spiritual advisor and mentor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, to claim his association with purveyors of hate such as Louis Farrakhan was 'mischaracterized' in the media is like Louisiana's David Duke claiming his membership in the Klan was 'mischaracterized.'

Further, Wright's contention that his words of hatred against white people, America, business owners, and capitalism were 'twisted' by the news media is like David Duke saying that his words supporting white supremacy and the denigration of Blacks were 'twisted.'

Both were caught in the act of engaging in hate-speech. Both attempted to 'rationally explain' that they were 'misunderstood.'

The likes of David Duke and his closest associates are to be condemned and shunned. And thus, for Barack Obama to refer to Jeremiah Wright as his 'mentor and spiritual guide' is beneath contempt.

And you can quote me on that...

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