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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Second Amendment News Roundup for 4/24/08

Focusing on guns and politics, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Michelle Malkin is wondering if Howard Dean runs the Republican National Committee these days and gives us commentary on Rev. Jeremiah Wright's lame excuses for hate-mongering, as told to Bill Moyers:

Mike McCarville reports on how an Obama ticket would bury the Democrats in the state of Oklahoma:

McCarville also crunches the numbers on where Obama and Clinton stand so excellent and informative post!:

Alphecca has a MUST-read today on business owners' rights (a private property issue), particularly with regard to smoking bans:

Of Arms and the Law reports that a college professor attempted to ban empty holsters on campus--the method used by gun-rights supporting students to call attention to their vulnerability in gun-free zones:

Bitter tells us how we can save money on gun purchases right now:

Armed and Safe says that the New Orleans Mayor is at it again with his gun-grabbing ways:

Say Uncle has a link to 14 hot ladies who love their guns (and you DON'T want to miss this one!):

Robb Allen shows us how taking those who are gun-ignorant shooting never fails to blow to bits their many negative myths concerning firearms:

The War on Guns provides vital background information on the wolves in sheep's clothing--the American Hunters and Shooters Association:

Nicki blogs about the gun shop owner who is offering discounts to students at Virginia Tech so that they can protect themselves:

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