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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Second Amendment News Roundup for 11/29/07

Focusing on guns and politics, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Michelle Malkin is reporting today that the Clinton plant at the GOP debate is only the tip of the iceberg. Edwards and Obama planted questioners as well. Thus, CNN has basically declared itself a purveyor of a hoax and has joined the sleaze-infested ranks of the Hillary machine:

Mike McCarville has more on the Clinton News Network (CNN) here:

Speaking of media bias, John Lott shows that the trumped up 'we're almost at the point of recession' nonsense being spouted by the mainstream media is dead wrong. Lott has the figures to prove it:

Alphecca points out that the people of Boston have basically said 'screw the 4th amendment' as they sheepishly agree to warrantless searches:

Say Uncle has the video of the gun portion of the GOP debate last night, and Fred came across very strong as I knew he would:

Tam comments on CNN's blatant bias against Fred Thompson:

Snow Flakes in Hell provides thoughtful commentary on the Ron Paul movement:

Robb Allen was inspired to comment on the nostalgia of freedom by reading one of the greats, Milton Friedman. His commentary is the MUST-read of the day:

A Keyboard and a .45 informs us of a gun guy challenge:

Born Again Redneck comments on the alarming number of Mexican immigrants on welfare:

The MAN...the quintessential conservative...the brains behind the conservative movement, Mr. William F. Buckley, Jr., has a great read today on questions of life and death:

The quote of the week is over at Bob Park's 'Outside the Wire' (formerly Black and Right), and it is by none other than Pat Sajak. You gotta see this:

Blogstitution writes an excellent piece on the disintegration of Russia under Vladimir Putin:

Syd comments on the reprehensible exploitation of the death of the Redskins' Sean Taylor by the Brady gang:

The most beautiful blond on earth, Blonde Sagacity, reports that Dennis Kucinich of all people is suggesting that he and Ron Paul run together for President. Sagacity wonders what THAT says about Ron Paul:

Xavier blogs on the S & W M-13 Aircrewman, and it is a beauty:

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