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Friday, November 30, 2007

Ignoring the IGNORE-amuses

Ignoramuses come a dime a dozen. But since when has it become standard practice to put them on TV on every major network, including Fox, to provide political commentary?

To be frank, I have sworn off the entire lot of them, and that includes Fox's Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and all the rest. Granted, they are not nearly as bad as CBS, NBC, ABC, or the Clinton News Network (CNN), but Fox nonetheless has started standing on my last good nerve.

We have known for quite some time that Fox has been promoting Rudy Giuliani. Rupert Murdock has seen to that. Thus, we can overlook the sometimes not-so-subtle manner in which Fox pushes the candidate.

But the thing that is entirely unacceptable is for conservative commentators such as Hannity and O'Reilly to practically place every single instinct they have on the back burner in order to place Giuliani at the forefront of their starry-eyed gaze.

Both of them know better.

But the absolute last straw was when attorney and Fox commentator Monica Crowley, for whom we normally have utmost respect, states that Giuliani and ROMNEY are the two front-runners, and that Huckabee is a possibility.

Never once did Crowley mention Fred Thompson, who is in a national statistical dead-head for the front-runner position with Rudy among GOP voters who are extremely likely to vote in the primaries.

It is as if Thompson isn't even there.

Are these commentators such hopeless ignoramuses that they are totally unaware of the polls, or is it that they have simply sold out heart, soul, body, and mind to Rupert Murdock?

It is too late to make amends for these near-unforgivable mistakes. I have hit the ignore button on the ignoramuses. And unless Fox somehow redeems itself, they are history in my book, just like CBS, NBC, ABC, and CNN.

Unfortunately, I happened to inadvertently catch Katie Couric's interview with Rudy Giuliani, during which she went after the Mayor with a vengeance in spite of the fact that in her interview with the Queen of Sleaze, the Hildabeast, she acted as if she were so awe-struck that she could give Mrs. Clinton a bear-hug at any moment.

Here again, Couric referred to only Giuliani and Romney as the 'front-runners,' while waxing eloquent over the fact that Mike Huckabee seems to be 'coming on strong.'

No mention of Fred Thompson being in a statistical tie with Rudy.

So, is Fox now using the very same template as CBS?

It seems odd that within the very same week both Fox and CBS would speak of the GOP candidates in the very same fashion, with the exception that CBS obviously is in the Clinton camp while Fox is in the Giuliani camp.

I try very hard not to watch network news broadcasts anymore. The frustration level involved in the endeavor far outweighs anything to be gained. Yet it is important to know what the talking heads are doing and saying.

Unfortunately, I now have to add Fox to that list of the ignoramuses, about which I am too curious to totally ignore, after all.

11 comments: said...

well said, one of the many ways elections are rigged, bought and sold, through the biased news media, i hope Joel reads this and gets a clue.

Welshman said...
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Welshman said...

Miss Priss,

I'm sure Joel knows all about media bias since the Leftwing has basically controlled the entire enterprise since the 1940s.

Rightwing bias in TV and radio is a relatively new phenomenon and is still far overshadowed by the Leftist slant of the news conglomerates.

Anonymous said...

The media hates Fred because he hasn't rushed to kiss their butts for media coverage.

Funny how the approach taken by Fred in campaigning is a lot like folks like Madison took.

Back in that day, you were supposed to act like you weren't interested and your friends had to talk you into it and even so you didn't really campaign much.

Times sure change.

Welshman said...


I agree that this is part of it. I also think that Fred's manner is the style of the traditional Tennessee politician. The prevailing wisdom was that it was unseemly for a politician to appear too enthusiastic. They were to have a certain dignity that was prevalent in the old south.

Further, I honestly believe the mainstream media crowd is google-eyed over northeaster liberal politicians in both parties. They act as if there is nobody else there except for Rudy, Hillary, Mitt, and Obama (not northeastern but still part of the elitist Chicago political machine). said...

Marty-I don't think he does because he was asking me over on my blog "how is the system rigged" bias is just one of the many ways the "system is rigged"...Ron Paul said it best recently "they wouldn't let me debate"...there he is standing there on stage and the whole focus was on Romney and Guiliani, such BS!!

The whole Dems. debate was focused on stupid Hillary and Obama...they should ask less questions and make sure everyone gets equal time to answer each and every question, how SIMPLE is that?

I wanted to hear more from Ron Paul but that crazy ass John McCain was too busy giving his simplistic "just like HItler" speech to the cheers of the ignorant crowd...whole spectacle made me ill... said...

Marty-I don't think he does because he was asking me over on my blog "how is the system rigged" bias is just one of the many ways the "system is rigged"...Ron Paul said it best recently "they wouldn't let me debate"...there he is standing there on stage and the whole focus was on Romney and Guiliani, such BS!!

The whole Dems. debate was focused on stupid Hillary and Obama...they should ask less questions and make sure everyone gets equal time to answer each and every question, how SIMPLE is that?

I wanted to hear more from Ron Paul but that crazy ass John McCain was too busy giving his simplistic "just like HItler" speech to the cheers of the ignorant crowd...whole spectacle made me ill...

Joubert said...

Fox is pushing Giuliani because he has a 20-year friendship with Roger Ailes and is close to Rupert Murdoch.

But I do not understand the hoopla about Huckabee at all.

Welshman said...

Priscilla, Joel is not here to defend himself. I am uncomfortable discussing how he feels about this without him being present.

Patrick, yeah, the Roger Ailes thing is a big part of it, you are right. And as for Huckabee, go figure...

Brent said...

I agree with this post and your post about Huckabee not being a real conservative.

However, I think you are putting too much faith in Thompson. I have some serious doubts about him, but putting that aside he does not do well at debating. I am not sure that he would be able to beat any of the Democratic candidates due to his very poor speaking ability.

I feel that Thompson is too much a part of the establishment and will only continue Bush's big government, compassionate conservatism legacy. The Republican Party needs a major change in direction. This is why they lost the 2006 elections, not Iraq.

I share your dismay about Fox News and both Hannity and O'Reilly. I used to really like Hannity but his support for Guiliani is ridiculous. Guiliani is not a conservative. Guiliani is no better than Hillary and in fact would probably be worse for our country than Hillary. In fact Jane Chastain calls him her worst nightmare in this article at WND:

I really see Ron Paul as the best candidate running for the Republican Party and I am rather dismayed that he is dismissed by them. This is proof to me of the dire condition of our country when a principled, small government, low taxes, pro-liberty candidate is viewed as a kook and as extreme.

I will be voting for Ron Paul in the general election regardless of who is nominated for the Republican Party. I understand the importance of Supreme Court nominations, but Republicans are fooling themselves if they think they can sell their souls for this objective and win in the end. They are making a deal with the devil and they will not be better for it.

Welshman said...

Well, at least we agree that both Ron Paul and Fred Thompson have gotten the shaft from Fox and the mainstream media.

Many things can change between now and the '08 election. I have not ruled out Ron Paul, but at present I am for Fred.

We will see how it goes...