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Saturday, September 29, 2007

Hillary's 'McGovernite' Plan to Buy Votes

How does a candidate who is dogged by high negatives in the polls and constantly brewing scandals gain an advantage in the race for the White House?

Promise free money to the masses.

In a speech delivered on Friday Hillary Clinton stated that she 'likes the idea of giving $5000 dollars to each baby born in America.' Hillary would like for the taxpayers to fund accounts for each baby born in the U.S. to the tune of $5000 a piece, so that when they graduate from high school they will have money to spend for college or other worthy endeavors.

I can just hear the uninformed masses 'oooo' and 'ahhhh' over that one. And they are being egged on by proponents of big government and huge tax increases.

The thing is, she probably bought herself roughly 10 million votes by simply rolling out the proposal.

In 1972 another Democratic Presidential candidate rolled out a similar proposal. George McGovern, the Democrats' choice to run against Richard Nixon, stated that the federal government should give $1000 bucks to every man, woman, and child in America.

Like Hillary Clinton, McGovern and his backers believed that big government can solve most if not all of the problems of life. All you have to do is to 'tax the rich' to oblivion, except the definition for 'rich' keeps changing.

In February of this year, the Democratic Presidential candidates claimed that 'rich' means millionaires. In seven short months that definition has changed significantly. Rich now means that you make roughly $90,000 per year, according to Democratic strategists who devise tax schemes to pay for mammoth government social programs.

The problem is that $90,000 is a far cry from one million. In fact, a bread-winner living in NYC with a family of four would only barely make ends meet on that salary.

Yet in order to pay for everything Socialists who run the Democratic Party want in terms of social programs, those making $90,000 and above should be willing to withstand a sharp increase in taxes. After all, it's 'for the children.'

This seems to be the rallying cry of the Democrats and their government programs. Claim it's 'for the children,' and you make it well-nigh impossible for an opponent to get away with criticizing it.

George McGovern's plan to give $1000 bucks to every man, woman, and child in America back in 1972 was met with derision, as were most of his ideas. He was trounced by Nixon in the general election. Back then, being a Socialist was not a good thing. Apparently in the intervening 35 years we have raised a generation of Americans who view Marxism, Socialism, and its close cousin, Communism, as attractive ideas.

Thus, Hillary Clinton is applauded for introducing a concept that would have been met with howls of protest and ridicule 35 years ago.

During the 1970s most Democrats distanced themselves from the ideas of George McGovern. To be considered a 'McGovernite' usually spelled disaster for a Democratic candidate.

Today, the McGovernites are alive and well. They run the Democratic Party and are to be found in places of leadership in universities, law schools, the clergy, and particularly within some economic sectors.

I would suggest to you, ladies and gentlemen, that such persons are of mortal danger to this nation and its Constitution. Constitutional limits on the legitimate role of government are ignored by these purveyors of Socialism, and we are poised to elect one to the Presidency in 2008 unless the masses wake up to the tyranny.

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