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Friday, August 10, 2007

Second Amendment News Roundup for 8/10/07

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Image courtesy of A Human Right.

Here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Gun Owners of America posts an excellent op-ed on significant research showing that the nation's rates of private gun ownership do NOT correlate to rates of murder:

Gun Law News has an important response to the objection of the gun-grabbers to the effect that, 'you don't need an assault weapon to hunt':

Red's Trading Post blogs on the one movie that the BATFE and your Congressmen and Senators do NOT want you to see:

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership produced the aforementioned movie. Read all about it, and take a look at the info on their website here:

Actions by T's Teddy Jacobson reviews the Rohrbaugh R9 9mm handgun in today's' 'helpful tip of the day':

Melanie Phillips in the U.K. has a VERY interesting read entitled, 'The Age of Unreason':

Our favorite intellectual, Dr. Walter Williams, shows how those who espouse the hypothesis that 'mankind is to blame for global warming' are silencing dissent:

Blonde Sagacity reports on the new tactic of the anti-military, anti-war, pacifist crowd--forbid recruitment on college and high school campuses:

Alphecca points to an editorial written in the aftermath of the Connecticut slaughter of a family in their home which says that perhaps the gun-rights advocates have been right all along:

Say Uncle has some important updates on the shenanigans of the BATFE:

The War on Guns posts an update on the City of Baltimore's plans to register and publicize 'gun offenders' just as they do 'sex offenders':

Snow Flakes in Hell comments on the wrongheaded notion that if gun shops can just keep a record of all ammunition sales, we can trace that ammunition back to those who use it in crime:

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