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Monday, July 09, 2007

Switzerland the Next Target?

Washington, DC (TLS). Like a drug-resistant infection that slowly spreads its poison throughout a defenseless human victim, the so-called 'religion of peace' has undertaken a relentless, gradual, and systematic plan to spread through Europe and become the dominant force in the region.

The 'Muslim Brotherhood' envisioned this plan decades ago. And with each passing year the plan gains momentum as it builds on the successes of those who have already infiltrated the institutions of society.

The result has been nightly car-bombings in Paris and the suburbs of France. An opera house in Germany was forced to cancel a performance due to threats of violence from Muslims who were 'offended' by one scene in the opera. The Netherlands, Spain, and Belgium have also been targets of the Islamic extremists.

According to the nation's counterterrorism experts, Switzerland could be next.

Switzerland has often escaped the ravages of war and mayhem in the past due to its harsh terrain and its insistence that citizens be armed. However, that has begun to change as a movement within the country has sprung up that wishes to place limits on the firearms rights of citizens.

It is interesting that at the very moment in history that the gun-grabbers zero in on Switzerland, the terrorists suddenly put the nation on their radar screen.

This is no time for Switzerland to change public policy on guns. The citizens may well need them if the counterterrorism experts are correct.

Click here for a complete analysis of the new threat to Switzerland:

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