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Thursday, February 15, 2007

FLASH! Mexico Behind Border Patrol Hoax!

Washington, DC (TLS). The Border Patrol scandal, which resulted in two innocent officers being sent to prison for a dozen years, gets deeper and more sinister by the day. WorldNetDaily News, which first broke the story, has obtained documents showing beyond dispute that the Mexican government pushed for the prosecution of the two Border Patrol agents.

Are we surprised?

The thing that everyone knew but did not dare say has now been documented. U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton did the bidding of the Mexican Consulate in bringing charges against the two men. In addition, the Mexican Consulate also demanded that charges be brought against the County Sheriff in Texas, who was also involved in the incident at the border. Once again, Johnny Sutton did the bidding of the Mexican government and brought charges against the Sheriff as well.

U.S. House Representative John Culbertson, R-TX, once again expressed his outrage: 'We have long suspected Mexican government officials ordered the prosecution of our law enforcement agents. Mexico wants to intimidate our law enforcement into leaving our border unprotected, and now we have it in writing.'

Sadly, the Bush Administration, including the President himself, continues to be implicated in this sordid fiasco and travesty of American justice. The Administration has created a climate with Mexico that makes it very difficult for U.S. immigration laws to be properly enforced. Once again, America's soul continues to be sold to Mexico in the name of diplomacy and 'friendly relations.'

This isn't friendly anymore. Two innocent men were thrown into prison to rot because Bush administration officials cow-towed to Mexican government officials who want our borders left completely unprotected against law-breakers.

At his daily Press briefing yesterday, White House Press Secretary Tony Snow stated that he wished for 'cooler heads to prevail' in this case. Apparently Mr. Snow and the Administration do not realize that with each passing day more evidence emerges that makes 'cool heads' impossible. This is an outrage that needs an immediate solution by the President.

Johnny Sutton needs to go. Judge Kathleen Cardone needs to go. And at least a half-dozen or more personnel at the Department of Homeland Security need to go. Unless the President takes these necessary steps, including a Presidential pardon for the two Agents, this ugly scenario is going to explode into a full-scale scandal that will leave a dark stain on the Republic for years to come.

Read the details here:


Tracy Crouch said...

Just this past weekend the Dixie Echoes had a concert in Alamo, Texas which is just a few miles from the Mexican border. After leaving Alamo enroute to Houston for our next concert we had to go through a Border Patrol Inspection Station. These stations are located on almost every major highway near the border. Since we travel in a large tour bus I honestly expected for an agent to at least board the bus for a quick look around. But the two agents remained outside. I was asked two questions: "Is everyone on board U.S. Citizens?", and "How many on board?". Granted I'm thankful we weren't hasseled but I could have had a bus load of illegal immigrants headed for any location in the country, the agent just took my word for it. Even if he would've just walked up in the stairwell and looked in, would have made me feel better. Instead after answering both questions he waved me on. They didn't even run the K-9 around the perimeter of the bus. I guess its like airport security. A little more hassle now and then might not be such a bad idea!

Welshman said...

Hiya, Tracy! How's the ole 'Cajun Bass?' Nice to see ya.

Thanks for posting an incident from personal experience. It only goes to show just how vulnerable we are and that steps need to be taken to correct it.

Give my regards to all the Dixie Echoes!