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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Katie Couric on Guns, Christians, Castro, Conservatives

Washington, DC (TLS). The Liberty Sphere blew the lid on the dishonest reporting techniques employed by Katie Couric and CBS News when describing a poll that supposedly showed a 55% majority of Americans either did not support the funding of the troop surge in Iraq or did not support funding the War at all. As we reported, through a deft slight-of-hand maneuver, Couric manipulated the figures to say something they did not say.

In actuality, 45% of those who responded to the poll said they did not support funding the troop surge. That means 55% either support it or had no opinion. This was not mentioned by Couric. In addition, she stated that 8% of those polled said they did not support funding the War at all. She failed to mention that this means that fully 92% of Americans apparently SUPPORT funding the War.

This blatant act of deliberately misrepresenting poll numbers raised the suspicions of this writer. The result was a bit of research conducted by The Liberty Sphere. It did not take long to discover nearly a 20-year history of Liberal bias, Leftist slant, denigration of Conservatives, Republicans, evangelical Christians and Catholics, and a glowing adoration of Democrats, Liberals, Communists such as Fidel Castro, and our anti-Semitic ex-President, Jimmy Carter.

In addition, Couric is an avid supporter of gun control, even going so far as to lecture Charlton Heston when he was head of the NRA.

The following quotations span much of Couric's career, both at NBC and now as anchor of CBS Evening News. We are greatly indebted to the Media Research Center for providing much of this information.

As you will see, Couric can hardly hide her obvious Leftist bent. She is one of the prime examples of why Americans should oppose with all of our might the so-called 'Fairness Doctrine' that Democrats wish to use to gain equal time on conservative talk radio. We do not need a Fairness Doctrine. With Couric and her Leftist comrades at NBC, ABC, and CNN, the only method conservatives have to be heard is radio and Fox News.

If Democrats wish equal time to respond to Rush Limbaugh, then we should demand equal time to respond to the propaganda spouted each evening by Couric and company.

Here are the words straight from the horse's mouth:

Castro, Charismatic Success Story
"Considered one of the most charismatic leaders of the 20th century....[Fidel] Castro traveled the country cultivating his image and his revolution delivered. Campaigns stamped out illiteracy and even today, Cuba has one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world."— February 13, 1992.

Carve Carter into Mt. Rushmore
"And finally President Carter, you are now considered one of the world’s foremost statesmen. You’ve been called the best ex-President this country has ever had. Your reputation has been bolstered tremendously since you left office. How does that make you feel?"— November 13, 1991

One More Gun Restriction, That’s The Ticket!
Katie Couric: "Getting back to kids and guns, if you will indulge me for a moment. You cannot think of any other position the NRA could take in terms of trying to decrease the number of school shootings? You feel like this is not your bailiwick, this is not your problem?"
Charlton Heston: "Not at all. As I told you the NRA spends more money, more time..."
Couric, cutting him off: "Other than education."
Heston: "Well what would you suppose? What would you suggest?"
Couric: "I don’t know, perhaps greater restrictions."— Exchange on June 8, 1998

Blaming Right Wing for Murder
"Let’s talk a little bit more about the right wing because I know that’s something you feel very strongly about. But this is actually not necessarily about the right wing, but perhaps a climate that some say has been established by religious zealots or Christian conservatives. There have been two recent incidents in the news, I think, that upset most people in this country, that is the dragging death of James Byrd Junior and the beating death of Matthew Shepard. I just would like you to reflect on whether you feel people in this country are increasingly intolerant, mean-spirited, et cetera, and what, if anything, can be done about that because a lot of people get very discouraged when they hear and see this kind of brutality taking place."— To former Texas Governor Ann Richards as she hosted a 92nd Street Y appearance in New York City on March 3 shown by C-SPAN on April 3, 1999.

Real Dictatorship in Miami
"Some suggested over the weekend that it’s wrong to expect Elian Gonzalez to live in a place that tolerates no dissent or freedom of political expression. They were talking about Miami. All eyes on south Florida and its image this morning. Another writer this weekend called it ‘an out of control banana republic within America.’ What effect is the Elian Gonzalez story having on perception of Miami? We will talk with a well-known columnist for the Miami Herald about that."— April 3, 2000.

Happy Mother’s Day to a Liberal Activist
"With Mother’s Day coming up this Sunday, we wanted to salute the hard work, integrity and love moms show us every day, so this morning we invited three women who have made their own special contribution to motherhood and, as I said earlier, to all of mankind, in fact. Donna Dees-Thomases founded the Million Mom March...Donna, you organized the Million Mom March, and it really was such a grassroots movement of stroller moms, right? Tell me how it came about."— Introduction and question to anti-gun activist Donna Dees-Thomases, May 11, 2001.

(By the way, the so-called 'Million Mom March' did not involve anywhere near millions of stroller moms, as touted by Couric, Bill Clinton, and Donna Dees-Thomases. Estimates by officers on the ground indicated that perhaps 100,000--TOPS--attended that rally in Washington).

Is the New Pope a Nazi?
"Cardinal Ratzinger’s past includes a brief membership in the Hitler Youth movement, service in the German army in World War II, which was mandatory. But given his past associations do you think that will create a rift between Christians and Jews, and what can he do to fix that?"— To liberal priest Father Andrew Greeley, April 20, 2005. Greeley, a critic of Cardinal Ratzinger, dismissed her concern.

A Catholic Town? How Awful!
"Some of the values, depending on your perspective... may be deemed wholesome, but in other ways, I think, people will see this community as eschewing diversity and promoting intolerance....Do you think the tenets of the community might result in de facto segregation as a result of some of the beliefs that are being espoused by the majority of the residents there?...You can understand how people would hear some of these things and be like, wow, this is really infringing on civil liberties and freedom of speech and right to privacy and all sorts of basic tenets that this country was founded on. Right?"— March 3, 2006, interviewing Domino’s Pizza founder Tom Monaghan and real-estate developer Paul Marinelli, who are building a community based on Catholic values in Ave Maria, Florida

And why do we need the 'fairness doctrine' again? In fact, I say, BRING IT ON. I would love to gain equal time to respond to Couric's pro-Commie, Liberal, anti-Christian, gun-grabbing propaganda!

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