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Monday, March 25, 2013

The 2A News Roundup--Top 10 for Monday, March 25, 2013

All guns and politics from the best gun rights and liberty bloggers on the Internet.

David Codrea reports that the Inspector General's report on DHS raises more questions than answers, but the MSM attempts to whitewash the agency.

Mike Vanderboegh says that a major sniper gun manufacturer is refusing to sell its products to the New York City Police Department. More fallout from the Bloomberg-Cuomo coalition to ban guns.

Kurt Hofmann relays the news that New York's new draconian gun laws have claimed their first victim.

WRSA reminds us that while it is true that resistance to government tyranny is, indeed, dangerous, submission is deadly.

John Jacob H provides a most interesting discussion on the all-important comma in the Second Amendment, which is key to understanding it.

Nicki has the video and then comments on Bloomberg's stupid anti-gun ad.

CLO outs three more sleazy mayors in the Bloomberg coalition who, like many in that group, are known for corruption.

Pamela Geller reports explosive news that radical Muslim nutcases are attempting to impose the Islamic blasphemy law against her. In short, that means they wish to kill her.

Every Blade of Grass could use our prayers as he and his wife go through some troublesome times of late. The first two posts at the link will give you the details. Just scroll down.

Around O-Town calls our attention to a survivor of the Hitler regime in Germany who says that we MUST keep our guns at all costs and even buy MORE guns.

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