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Sunday, February 03, 2013

Move to ban private gun sales appears doomed

In the current push to use the Newtown, Conn. school shooting as an excuse to enact draconian gun bans, gun and ammunition control, registration and universal background checks, gun control advocates have engaged in a series of missteps and overreach that have hurt their chances of getting any new national legislation.

Private gun sales is perhaps the most important of the issues that gun control proponents have boggled. Americans cherish their freedom to buy and sell goods freely. They can become quite snippety about being told they cannot sell a gun privately to a friend, or to a relative, or transfer the gun to a son or daughter.

Yet early on in the raging debate, it appeared that a few Republicans and the NRA would give up on private gun sales as a means of compromise...  

Click here to continue reading at Anthony G. Martin's National Conservative Examiner.

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