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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Obama's Dangerous Nuclear Policy

Perhaps never before in the history of the United States have we been this vulnerable to attack, except this time, nuclear attack.  And this is due solely to a new policy just implemented by Barack Obama.

The man is not only dangerous but just plain NUTS.  The new policy in a nutshell?  If the U.S. is attacked by a nuclear, biological, chemical, or conventional weapon, Obama WILL NOT USE NUCLEAR WEAPONS TO RESPOND, EVER!

This is tantamount to inviting every rogue nation on earth, including terrorists, to 'come get us! We are disarmed!'

One of the reasons Ronald Reagan was so successful at dismantling the Soviet menace at the end of the Cold War was his standing policy that if anyone, anywhere attacked the U.S., we would blow their sorry asses off the map.

But now, America has elected a panty-waste, a pacifist, a flower-child, a wussy.  Heaven help us.

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