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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Conservative Tom Coburn, R-OK, Makes Strange Remarks about Pelosi, Fox News, Tea Parties

I picked up on this story while on Twitter last evening, and I have to admit I was rather taken aback.  U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, R-OK, who is usually a powerful voice for conservatism in the Senate, made some rather unusual remarks about Nancy Pelosi, Fox News, and the Tea Parties.

Mike McCarville out in Oklahoma also noted the story, and posted a link.

If Coburn's objective was to tone down the rhetoric a bit, perhaps his remarks are understandable to a degree.  That being said, it is a much better strategy to acknowledge the outrage, the deep and powerful emotion, that is boiling across America.  When angry people feel they are being squelched or forced to swallow their overwhelming emotions, then eventually like a pressure cooker that lacks ventilation, the thing will experience a violent explosion.

Americans need to give voice to their anger.  This may well prevent violence.

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