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Monday, March 08, 2010

Servitude in Stages, Made Palatable by Distractions

Via WRSA we find this most intriguing and disturbing piece of information concerning the federal government's land-grab of private property:

The sage grouse: A bigger threat to rural Oregon than the Aryan Nations.

A federal decree designating the sage grouse as "endangered" would have potentially lethal consequences for property rights and economic development in eleven states.

But for the untimely demise US Fish and Wildlife Service Director Sam Hamilton, that decision would have been handed down last Friday (February 26), while residents of John Day, Oregon -- an economically crippled community that stands to lose even more because of such a designation -- was being whipped into a froth of sterile sanctimony by two imported "human rights" hucksters over the non-existent threat posed by Paul Mullet and his buddies.
Read the whole thing at Pro Libertate and be very afraid.

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