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Monday, March 08, 2010

'Is Healthcare Worth a Civil War?'

Vanderboegh sent this letter to the editor to a group of newspapers recently on the consequences of Congress' shoving the ObamaCare plan down our throats.  Read it all:

Just blasted this LTE out to a hundred papers or so:

Item: In a recent CNN poll, 56 percent of the American people agreed that the federal government represented a clear and present danger to their liberties.

Item: When asked if the House "Health Care Reform" bill was constitutional, Nancy Pelosi, exclaimed, "Are you serious?"

I can answer that. Yes, Nancy, we are serious.

Distilled to its essence, this is the message of the proposed law that the Democrats are about to ram down our throats:

We, the Imperial Federal Government, have determined what is best for you and you will get it regardless of whether you want it or not. You will be FORCED to play or pay in our wonderful new system of good intentions.

If you refuse, you will be fined.

If you refuse to pay the fine, you will be jailed.

If you refuse to be arrested, you will be killed.

The Founders would have called this "The Intolerable Act."

What Pelosi and these other tyrannical weasels are saying is that we will do what they say or they will kill us -- all in our best interests, of course.

The eternal question is, which is to be the servant and who the master? The federal government, or the people?

What must be said now to such would-be despots is this: "Is your alleged concern for our 'health care' worth YOUR death?" For after they delegate federal police to kill the first few of us who resist -- and we WILL resist -- the rest of the citizenry who wish to remain free and retain control over their bodies will be absolved of any responsibility to obey such a regime. We will then be released to wage a defensive civil war upon what has become an obviously tyrannical system.

It won't be a revolution. It will be a war of restoration against collectivist revolutionaries who have been chipping away at the Constitution of the Founders' Republic for the past century. They are the usurpers, not us.

The Founders would have done so. Indeed, the Founders did so for considerably less provocation. Why should the Democrats expect any different response from us than the Founders gave King George III?

Mike Vanderboegh
PO Box 926
Pinson, AL 35126

PS: "If this be treason, then make the most of it."

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