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Friday, March 12, 2010

"Pearls Before Swine..."

There is a reason why we are losing our liberty in this nation: The willful ignorance of its people.

I would like to say it is confined to the Left and the youth, but I cannot honestly so state. Rather, I find that ignorance also on the Right at every age, social status, and profession. A prime example of this is the deliberate ignoring of history and the lessons of history. It is so very bad it is sickening.

Take the case of so-called “fourth generation” warfare, which is nothing more than guerrilla warfare adapted to modern technology. Now, how can I say that? How about reading numerous volumes specifically written about guerrilla warfare and its history, along with every article I can find — which covers the last 27 years of my life. I have been reading and studying military affairs (weapons, weapons systems, tactics, strategy and history) since about 8 or 9 years old (I am older than 45, so its been a while that I have been doing this). I have decided preference for guerrilla warfare, as difficult as it is to prosecute. So-called “fourth generation” warfare is guerrilla warfare, nothing more. However, leave it to the U.S. military to justify itself and call it something new so they can cover up failing to be prepared for guerrilla warfare.
As a lesson of history, you do not have to be a soldier to recognize what guerrilla warfare is, and is not. All you have to do is be willing to read and heed — something Americans don’t seem to do very well (if at all) these days.

Now, why am I not pleased, and why is this called “Pearls Before Swine . . .”?

Because I finally received a response to the previous post “Incongruence” that was nothing short of willful ignorance. There is no excuse for any American citizen to be ignorant of the foundations of this nation’s form of government. The books and documents are simply far too easy to access and (horror of horrors) READ!
Read the whole thing at MOWCA.

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