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Friday, March 12, 2010

Even Astute Democrats Warn of the Motives Behind ObamaCare Monster

Although nobody says much about it in the lamestream media, some of the more traditional liberal Democrats in the country, such as Pat Caddell, are warning against ObamaCare.

This thorough report, which includes articles and research from several political observers, indicates that the Obamanoids and their minions are pushing this unpopular monstrosity in order to force a Civil War.

Here is an excerpt:

"An alarming crisis" certainly. One that strikes at the legitimacy of the regime. When regimes lose legitimacy, and still try to work their will upon a resisting people, civil wars start. That is why Caddell and Schoen use words like "crisis" and "unmitigated disaster."

Yet Ahab continues to suicidally go after the whale and the bulldozer blindly grinds on.

Or do they?

To believe this is folly is to believe that these people are too stupid to see political realities as outlined above. Yet these are the same people who took a non-entity and crushed the Clinton machine. Can we really believe that they are so feckless, unheeding and stupid as to not see what is around the next political bend?

Or rather, is this what they have been hired to do? Always, always, I ask myself when faced with some otherwise inexplicable government action, the old Roman legal dictum: "Qui bono?" To whose benefit is all of this?

I can only conclude that an American civil war -- which is where this is headed, as Caddell and Schoen warn us between the lines -- benefits only the traditional enemies of the United States.

Another way of putting this is that the Obamanoids and their familiars are "domestic enemies" of the Constitution and the Republic.

The Founders had an idea about "domestic enemies" countermeasures, you know.

And that idea, codified in the Second Amendment, was us -- the armed citizenry.

This is no mere "folly," gentlemen and ladies, this is premeditated evil. And it will not stop until a stake is driven through its heart.

There's going to be a fight.

We didn't choose it, they did.

Let's win.

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