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Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Liberty Sphere Report for 2/18/2010

Today we start our adventure into video commentary with 'The Liberty Sphere Report.' Our subject is the economy.

At the end of the segment I ask, 'What are the consequences for the average citizen under such a debt load' that the United States is carrying at present? You decide.


Rev. Paul said...


I saw a link this a.m. (but didn't follow it) for an article positing that the so-called "job market recovery" is slowing down.

Slowing down? I wasn't aware it was even moving.

Good job, sir.

Welshman said...

Thank-you, my friend.

JohnJacobH said...

Wow! Great voice, great script, bad lighting.

This could really work. Glad to see it!

In Liberty,

Welshman said...

Yeah, John, there are a few kinks I gotta work out, such as the lighting. But thanks for the kind words...