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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Second Amendment News Roundup for 2/18/2010

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

Texas Fred informs us of the new 'Mount Vernon Statement'--a new constitutional conservative pledge for the 21st Century.

Vanderboegh writes an open letter to law enforcement concerning Oath Keepers with the challenge, 'Choose this day whom you will serve.'

Brigid has the perfect culinary answer to global warming. LOL!

Say Uncle points to a landmark decision by a state supreme court that ruled the Second Amendment IS incorporated.

Sebastian declares that 'open carry deters armed robbers.'

Tam notes that Barney Fife now works for the federal government.

Robb Allen comments on the fact that the disease called 'the crazies' can attack anyone, from Leftists to Righties.

Days of our Trailers observes that the Brady Campaign has released its rating of state gun laws.

Way Up North follows up on that story with commentary on where Alaska stands in the ratings from Brady.

Alphecca posts an example of the notion of the 'slippery slope' when it comes to gun registration and gun control leading to gun bans and confiscation.

GunRights4US has an interesting read on Obama, FDR, and a comparison of spending.

Pax Parabellum has a video of Charles Krauthammer opining on the political landscape for 2010.

The Newbius Papers provides the quote of the day on global warming.

The Wandering Minstrel blogs on 20 gauge slug included.

Western Rifle Shooters Association points to another excellent excerpt from Tom Baugh, who says that the federal government has 'stacked the deck' against the citizens.

Kurt Hofmann notes that the defeat of the ban on semi-auto weapons in Maryland shows the power of the grassroots.

Conservative Libertarian Outpost shares a video of Obama, 'in his own words,' making a very revealing statement about himself.

David Codrea says that an old TV western does much to show us the folly of citizen disarmament.

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