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Friday, January 22, 2010

Second Amendment News Roundup for 1/22/2010

Focusing on guns, politics, and news of interest, here is today's Second Amendment News Roundup:

David Codrea says that the FBI's SHOT show bust leaves more questions than answers.

Kurt Hofmann hails the Supreme Court ruling that struck down portions of McCain-Feingold as a major victory for gun rights groups.

Conservative Libertarian Outpost warns that the U.N. gun ban is still out there. I also saw that Hillary Clinton has given her preliminary approval.

Way Up North says it's time to give the Scott Brown hysteria a rest. They're already talking about a Brown-Palin ticket. Sheesh. And I already reamed someone on Twitter for pushing an ominous Romney-Brown ticket. That right there is asinine.

Texas Fred blasts Sarah Palin for campaigning for John McCain in Arizona.

Alphecca reports that Chicago's Mayor Daley has stated that gun bans save lives. What a freakin' idiot.

Tam posts the quote of the day on 'scary black rifles.'

Walls of the City notes that the bigots have won in the controversy surrounding the gun manufacturer that puts Bible verses on their firearms.

Days of our Trailers has the conversation provided by a fly on the wall at the Brady campaign headquarters.

Gun Pundit blogs on the Charter Arms Rimless Revolver.

GunRights4US quickly dispels any notion that the extremists who run this government don't know what they're doing. He offers this as proof.

Vanderboegh presents vital reading for Patriots on small group leadership.

Western Rifle Shooters Association points to yet another example of corruption on the part of the statists, who have different rules for themselves as opposed to those they force on the public.

From the MOWCA blog:
'What Price Liberty?'

Standing By has the MUST-read of the day on the 'Revolutionary Holocaust' which Glenn Beck will present today on his show on Fox. This is Glenn's first documentary, and it is shaping up to be shocking to say the least--not for the faint of heart or for children. But it tells the truth.

Mike McCarville reports that not only are conservative TV programs laying to waste the liberal gibberish of MSNBC, CNN, and the other mainstream outlets, but multi-millions more visit conservative websites each day. Read it all.

The Wandering Minstrel says that in spite of the massacre of Massachusetts Democrats and the polls showing Obama with VERY low approval numbers, 'O' intends to double down.

Sebastian observes that the mainstream media is interestingly silent these days on gun issues.

Say Uncle says that the ATF solves crimes by committing them. Another source of massive gov't corruption.

The Ol' Broad presents for our viewing pleasure 'the government flow chart.' You MUST see this! ROFL!

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