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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Fallout from Brown Victory Begins in Congress

Today the fallout begins.

Pelosi says she no longer has the votes to bring ObamaCare to the floor for a final vote.

Read all about it at Columbia Conservative Examiner.

Other Democrats are backing off their support for Obama's initiatives. But the picture needs to be watched closely. Word is that the Dems will try to pass a greatly downsized version of ObamaCare at some point.

1 comment:

Steven M Nielson said...

What is more troubling is that ONE DAY after the Brown election, the Senate proposed a $1.9 TRILLION extension to the national debt... this is more troubling that Obama, than Pelosi, than Healthcare... THIS is the root cause... We need to stop the expansion of the debt if we ever plan on reigning in Washington DC!