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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Housekeeping Items

Time for some housekeeping items and brief commentary on an issue.

First, I do not allow spam posts on this blog or other comments that I deem to be suspicious. You can send that crap all you want, but I will only continue to delete it.

Second, I also have complete editorial control over this blog, and if I wish, I will delete comments when I deem them to be inappropriate.

This is NOT a 'free speech zone.' If you want to opine, get your own damn blog.

Finally, I try my best to stay out of petty controversies. Yes, there is pettiness in our midst, and some seem intent to attack their friends. You all should know me by now that I am not the enemy. If you don't know that by now, you are an idiot.

I tend to keep my eye on the broad picture, the goal, the end result of our fight for liberty--not the day-to-day disagreements that really amount to nothing in the long run if it does not help us reach our goals.

On the other hand, I am my own man and call things the way I see them. I am beholden to no man, and I am not here to march in lockstep to ANYBODY or ANY movement. I am INDEPENDENT for a reason--I value the freedom to keep my own opinions and make my own decisions without having to worry about a group, a Party, or an organization.

And I will keep that independence. If that means I say something you don't like, that's too bad. Live with it.


Rev. Paul said...

Good for you. It's amazing how many want to steal another's soapbox. The spam is one thing, and probably randomly generated. The idealogues are another thing altogether.

Hang in there, sir, and ignore the trolls. We appreciate your tireless contributions to the cause.

TexasFred said...

A suggestion, the word verification thing stops most of the automated spam...

Other than that, kick ass man, it's your blog, and that my friend is what SO any fail to grasp, their self imagined 1st amendment rights only apply to them on THEIR blog, not yours, not mine, not anyones!

You're doing just fine! Keep it up, the more people piss and moan, the more convinced I am that people like us have struck a nerve!

Welshman said...

Fred and Paul, thanks for the support.

And Fred, I like the suggestion about word verification. Good idea.

Patrick Sperry said...

As long as the word verification is readable, or re-loadable that is...

Keep up the good work Anthony!

JohnJacobH said...

Over on Wordpress they have some kind of industrial strength spam blocker.

It has blocked some 7500 spam comments in the last 18 months automatically.

I just review the folder to check for mistakes and then empty it.

As for the trolls, they are with you always.

In Liberty,

Welshman said...

Patrick and John,


TexasFred said...

The SPAM stuff you can use on WordPress is great...

I have a paid format and I use Akismet and WP-SpamFree, I haven't had a spam comment come through in ages...

I know that the FREE version of WP uses Akismet, and it is highly effective, but coupled with WP-SpamFree and I have awesome protection...

And I didn't lose any sensitivity either... LMAO