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Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Hoyer Confirms End-Run Suspicions Concerning Healthcare Bill

Those of us who have been warning you for months that Congressional Democrats and Barack Obama will attempt to shove their vision of government-run healthcare down our throats using sly, end-run tactics have now been vindicated.

Steny Hoyer, Senate Democratic Majority Leader (and one who needs to go, I might add), admitted today that he may well send the current healthcare bill in its present form, without any changes, directly to Barack Obama for his signature.

This would effectively by-pass continued debate, even without having to pass through a Senate-House conference committee--which is standard procedure.

Make no mistake, my friends, when politicians wish to engage in stealth legislation and by-pass standard procedure, we can be assured we are getting screwed. There is something in the bill they don't want the public to see. They want no public scrutiny and they certainly want no protest.

The Founders of this Republic referred to such chicanery as 'tyranny.'

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